High Flow Oil Filtration
Advanced Filtration Testing-Air
A2LA Accredited Lab
Fuel Filtration Testing

Fluid Power / Hydraulic

Cleanliness of fluid power systems, including valves, transmissions, turbines and compressors is critical to the prevention of hydraulic component failures and abrasive wear.  SGS IBR provides technically advanced testing of filter efficiency, component resistance to wear and system cleanliness for both particles and water.  SGS IBR participates in NFPA and ISO technical committees for the development of methods specifics to hydraulic systems.

  • Filter Performance: efficiency and resistance to process conditions.
  • Particulate Cleanliness to ISO 4406 codes as well as by microscopy.
  • Pressure and flow pulsing to simulate actual use
  • Custom test circuits can include client valves, pumps and piping.
  • Fluid variation: SGS IBR can test in your fluid, at your flows and pressures.