High Flow Oil Filtration
A2LA Accredited Lab
Advanced Filtration Testing-Air
Fuel Filtration Testing


Accuracy of Results is Assured:

  • All instruments and test stands meet or exceed industry standards – ISO, SAE, IEC, ASTM, NIOSH, and ASHRAE
  • Instruments are calibrated to NIST standards
  • SGS IBR Laboratories are Accredited by A2LA for compliance with ISO/IEC Guide 17025 for good laboratory practices

Our A2LA Accreditation (Cert. No. 1362-01) verifies our competence for the methods listed in the scope of our accreditation, and that we are in compliance with ISO/IEC Guide 17025 for good laboratory practice.

All test engineers are periodically qualified on a method-by-method basis to ensure their proficiency.

All instruments are held to rigorous calibration standards set forth by A2LA.